I’m a little slow on the updates this year but know that I am still counting my blessings.
Day 9: Friendship

This year has been wildly challenging. I am so grateful to all of my friends for supporting me during all the twists and turns that 2024 threw my way.
I can’t express the immense gratitude I feel for friends who reached out after my mom died or showed up for her funeral. I feel the same way now for the friends who have been helping me out as we prepare to welcome our baby.
Even though I may not be on top of my text game or able to drag myself out of the house, I appreciate all the kindness and grace my friends show me.
Day 10: Nature

Even though we live in Milwaukee, I feel like our home is very outdoorsy. I’m grateful that our neighborhood gives us glimpses into nature thanks to some overly friendly deer and foxes (not the turkeys, though. I’m also thankful for the rare days we get snow like this. I feel like our house is at its most homey.
Day 11: Health

This is what advanced maternal age looks like! Despite being in that category, I’ve been very fortunate with my pregnancy so far. It hasn’t been without some hiccups, but I’m thankful to have a really great healthcare team and family to support me.
Day 12: Work

Preparing to welcome a baby is a lot of work! I am extremely grateful to Michael, my dad and my father-in-law for getting the baby’s room ready. Painting, installing lights and unpacking all the heavy stuff is no small feat. I’m grateful to them for making sure it all happened in time for our baby’s arrival.
I also know that taking care of me and readying the rest of our home, yard and garage for this baby is a lot of work. Michael put in so much effort, and I’m so thankful (and happy that we’re more ready than ever!).
Day 13: Kindness

I’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of kindness this year, and assure you that even if I wasn’t in the headspace to fully express my gratitude, all your efforts were not unnoticed.
To the friends who wrote my mom touching birthday cards earlier this year, thank you. To colleagues who delivered dinners after my mom died, thank you. To family who brought us baby gifts (even before our shower!), thank you. To the strangers who have made room for me in public to sit down, to skip the line, to take up more space, thank you. To my newest sister-in-law, sisters and aunts who put together a spooktacular party to celebrate the baby brewing, THANK YOU.
Day 14: Change

2024 has changed my family and me irrevocably. Over the course of a few months, I lost my mom, my great-aunt, and our cat. These are losses that have changed me forever.
And at the same time, this year is full of positive change. Despite mourning, I’ve also been able to embrace the absolute joy (and anxiety and hope!) that comes with expecting a child.
I am not grateful for the losses this year wrought, but I am grateful for the positive changes that help temper them.
Day 15: Music

Michael and I have seen the Decemberists every time they’ve come to town since we first met. In May, we saw them again.
This was our first big outing after my mom died, and it was nearly a spiritual experience for me. I felt joy for the first time in weeks, I felt optimistic, I felt hopeful. It was probably the first evening I had where I didn’t feel completely burdened by grief.
I’m grateful to have this memory, and to add it to the list of great experiences we’ve had at these shows. Almost every concert we’ve seen of theirs has preempted some wonderful change, like starting to date or getting married. We can also add expecting a baby to that list!

I’ll be keeping up with this series all November long. Share what you’re thankful for below, and stay tuned for new editions every Friday.
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