Welcome back to another week of things to be thankful for. I hope you’re all enjoying a cozy November.
2020 has changed everything, and while I’m not thankful for a global pandemic, I’m really grateful that I get to work from home full-time. It definitely fits my work style much better. I’m happy to have a job where working remotely is possible, and I’m hoping that this situation makes working outside of an office a possibility in the future.
I really enjoy my job at Taste of Home. It’s so satisfying to take an idea from pitch to finished piece, and I love sharing baking tips and stories. You can see everything I’ve written for Taste of Home here (as if you need any more of me).
How stupid is this costume? In costume or not, our cats are absolutely ridiculous. I love them so much. I’m pretty lucky that I get to have both of the best cats in the whole world.
The truth: I really do believe I have the two best cats in the world, and I am so so thankful for them.
These cats fill our house with energy and joy. They comfort us when we’re sick or sad. They make us laugh with all their strange habits. They drive us crazy when they cry for food even though the dish is absolutely full. I can’t put together a list of gratitude without mentioning them.
My desk at work is full of inspiration. I’ve got prints from a lot of my favorite artists decorating my desk. Recently I rearranged my desk set up at home and I’ve got the perfect canvas for filling with art that I love. It’s a work in progress, but this Saint Nicks banner from Michelle Brusegaard was a no-brainer. And it’s not my only MBMB print! I’ve got two more decorating the halls of our house.
I’m thankful for artists whose interests are as niche as mine! Your work makes my house feel even more me.
This year, I’ve been feeling really inspired by cross-stitch. While I’ve cross-stitched on and off for ages, I’ve really caught the bug lately. It’s definitely the craft that’s inspiring me right now.
So thank you to all of the cross-stitch designers out there! I’ve downloaded a ton of patterns in the last few months and have enjoyed tackling them. I made three for Halloween alone!
You know, I thought I enjoyed dressing up for the day, but I’m really really enjoying dressing down at home. Sure, I feel a bit like Mr. Rogers switching from my nighttime comfy clothes to my daytime comfy clothes, but that’s OK by me. I’m thankful that I get to be comfortable as we hunker down during this pandemic. Doing it in jeans or in a bra would be unbearable.
(Also shoutout to my mom who bought me this very nice Edgewood College sweatshirt that I can’t stop wearing.)
Enjoy your weekend, everyone. I hope you’re staying comfy, warm and safe.