I’ve always been reluctant to label myself as an Aries, despite by April 4 birthday (smack dab in the middle of Aries season). Everything you hear about Aries is competitive this, fiery temper that, and I never really related to those traits (or many other Aries signatures outside of impatience). Instead, I read my horoscope for my moon sign (Pisces) and generally considered myself to be an astrological reject.
But not anymore. I decided that whether or not I seem like an Aries, I am one, and I should embrace the energy that comes along with it. After all, as my sister tells me all the time, Aries is the superpower of the zodiac. Who wouldn’t want that?
Now, you might be thinking Lisa, first it was tarot, then you dabbled in numerology and now we have to hear about your zodiac opinions? Yeah. It’s the Pisces moon in me.
This dawned on me as I was walking into work the other day. I was dealing with some contractor issues which caused some conflict between Michael and me. Admittedly, I spent the ride to work crying to my mom and feeling sorry for myself, insisting there was nothing I could do to make this project go right. But I had to pull myself together. So I ditched the sniffling, walked inside and thought You are a bad bitch and a problem solver and you are going to make things go your way. That is some Aries thinking if I ever heard it.
So now I’m thinking that I shouldn’t shy away from the take charge, go get it energy. I need to embrace it and channel it in a way that works for me.
Plus, Jonathan Van Ness (of Queer Eye fame) is an Aries with a Pisces moon (thanks to @notallgeminis for that intel!). So if I can embody one percent of that energy, I’m down!