Do you need context for a blog? No, but like my opinions on why Pete Campbell is the best Mad Men character, I’m going to give it to you anyway.
I just purchased my first home. It belonged to my amazing great-aunt who was swank, sassy and not fond of home improvements. This means that the slick 1960s ranch is as amazingly rustic and borderline tacky as the day she bought it. To give you an idea, wood paneling covers a solid 50% of the walls, there’s green shag as far as the eye can see, and there are some strange (but amazing) trademark features like forest wallpaper and a cone fireplace surrounded by a rock garden. So I’m here in this home now with my cranky cat, trying to make it mine while preserving the parts of this home that make it a family landmark.
What I’m saying that this is the perfect place for some very specific decorating posts (“How to Best Display Your Giant Tom Jones Poster” or “How Many Accordion Doors is Too Many?). I also anticipate it being a spot to share some of my crafting endeavors, cats cats cats, and some good ol’ Wisconsin charm.
And I’ll spare you my thoughts on Pete Campbell… for now.