That’s why I decided that it was high time I whip up something for Halloween. And not just anything – a cat something, a sparkly cat something. That’s when I got the idea for this purrfect (sorry) wreath. Let’s get started.
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Styrofoam wreath – this one is 12″
- Halloween garland – I found mine at Target
- Foam-core board
- Black paint
- Black glitter
- Orange cardstock
- T-pins
- Modge Podge
- X-acto knife
- Craft glue
- Fishing line or very thin wire
To start, trace your wreath onto the foam-core board. You’ll use this as the template to draw your cat face. When you draw the face, try to keep it – with the exception of the ears – within this circle.
When you’re satisfied with the proportions of this kitty’s features, you’ll begin cutting out the nose, eyes and all the rest out of your cardstock.
Then you’ll want to cut the face out with an X-acto knife and get ready to paint. Just use your favorite craft paint and have at it, making sure to get the edges. I did leave some white space around the ear, nose and eye areas to give me a bit of an idea where I wanted my cardboard shapes to go, also so I knew where to avoid putting glitter.
Once your paint is dry, get ready for glitter. You know how this part works. Swipe on some Modge Podge with a foam brush, sprinkle on some black glitter, tap it off – boom. Since the face is pretty big, I did this in a few steps so the Modge Podge didn’t dry too much before glittering. My word to the wise: avoid glittering the areas where your features will be placed. The cardstock will stick better to plain paper or paint than glitter.
Once you’re satisfied with the level of sparkle and the glitter and Modge Podge is dry, you can place your whiskers, eyes and all the rest with a little clear-drying craft glue. I saw that halfway through drying, that the corners were peeling up, so I just threw a sheet of wax paper and a couple books on top and that took care of it.
Now, while you’re waiting on all these pieces and parts to dry you can wrap the wreath. This part is super easy. Just wrap and wrap and wrap and secure with a T-pin every four inches or so.
Now all that’s left is to combine these two pieces. To do this, I used another T-pin to poke a whole through the edge of the face through to the backside. Then you can thread your fishing line or wire through the hole and tie on the reverse side. I repeated this four times to make sure the kitty face was secure.
And with that, attach a loop of wire on the backside of the wreath and you’re done! You’ve got an adorable Halloween cat wreath. Or, for me, what might be an everyday cat wreath. What do you think?
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