I hinted to this a few weeks back, but now I can officially make this announcement: My babka recipe is on the cover of Taste of Home!

I am so proud of this! I made this bread back in February for a regular work assignment, thinking it would just live on the internet (that was good enough for me), but I learned a few months back that it would be on the cover of Taste of Home—and the holiday issue no less!

I won’t lie to you: This is a darn good recipe. It does take a little bit of work since it’s a yeasted bread, but it’s nothing a normal home baker can’t accomplish.
Plus, the flavors here are so good. Who doesn’t love dark chocolate, orange and a bit of cinnamon? It’s just the thing to slice up and enjoy while opening gifts or for snacking on the day after Christmas.
You can get the whole how-to (and watch me make this bread) right here.

You can find the December/January issue of Taste of Home on newsstands now! I encourage you to pick up a copy.