Don’t even talk to me about my July goals. Just look at this.
- Polish off my custom orders ASAP. Almost done, but not quite.
- Make another dress. Didn’t do this.
- Replace our recliner. Nope. I love to agonize over decisions like this. Maybe by the time I’m 31 I’ll have decided.
- Actually ride my bike (bonus points if it’s to the farmers market). Why can’t I get this done?
- Get to the gym six times. No. I made it five times.
0/5. If you asked me what my July goals were at any point this month, I couldn’t tell you a single one. Usually, I’ve got a pretty good grasp on my monthly goals and my progress, but this month I didn’t really internalize them. In truth, July was a needlessly rough month. I felt like I had a hard time getting traction with anything. #blameitontheretrograde
So I’m just going to start fresh for August – no repeat goals, no dwelling on the past. Instead, I just want to focus on bettering myself and enjoying everything the last full month of summer has to offer, including my family’s annual unplugged vacation.
- Go on Gothic Milwaukee’s shipwreck tour. I am lucky enough to work with a good number of people that also like weird, spooky stuff. We’re going to try and catch a tour with Gothic Milwaukee.
- Try two new spiralizer recipes. Spiralizers are so 2016, but I don’t care. I finally got a decent spiralizer, so it’s time to take it for a test drive.
- Pickle or can something. My garden has been a big source of joy for me. My biggest goal now that it’s harvest time is to can some of what I’ve grown. Or just do a quick refrigerator pickle. I’m happy with either!
- Order new glasses. I got my glasses five years ago. That’s a long time between pairs. I want to get some new frames on the books this month.
- Read four books. August is my big reading month. Let’s see if I can knock out a few books on my trip up north.
I feel really good about the month ahead. I’ve got some good weekend plans figured out, some wiggle room in my schedule and some new goals to focus on. Hoping to knock a few, if not all, of these out!