Let’s jump right into November’s goals!
Bulk up my Kaminski Handicraft inventory to 50+ hoops.Done! Getting to 50 this time wasn’t quite as taxing as usual (but I still pushed myself pretty hard).Get organized with my stitching.I think I did OK with this one. I organized my spreadsheets a bit. Sure, my fabrics are folded up nice, but I’m still stitching on the reg!Get at least 50% of my holiday shopping done.If I had to estimate, I’d say I’m there!Visit my aunt Pat.Did it!Center myself.Getting there!
5/5. I’m pretty surprised that I made it! November is a busy month at work and at home (especially with a craft fair in the mix). I’m happy a lot of the work is behind me. Now onto December!
Of course, there’s still a lot of work ahead, too. I’ve got some work-related goals in the mix, but I’m honestly hoping to fit in a lot more fun than I did last year (last December was unduly stressful). I think the key to a good month will be doing festive things, but not pushing myself to go over the top (that’s where I typically go wrong). Got to work on that balance!
- Finish my custom orders ASAP. I’ve got three sets of custom orders in the works. I’m so grateful that people are coming to me with their original ideas! I want to get these out as quickly as possible to show my thanks (and so I can get ready for my last craft fair of the season!).
- Meet up with my friends to celebrate the holidays. This is one that always seems to get pushed to the backburner, but I’m hoping to see some friends of mine this month for a little Christmas cheer. I’m crossing my fingers for trivia!
- Go on a holiday date. Pretty much in the same vein as the above. Michael and I don’t go on too many dates (we are both homebodies), but I’m hoping to do something a bit Christmas-y together.
- Watch 3+ Christmas movies. This goal serves two purposes: to get me in the Christmas spirit and keep me on track with my work. A good movie will either propel me along as I stitch or will serve as a welcome break from the truly finger-numbing work.
- Do some good! My dad and I normally wrap gifts to raise money for the Wisconsin Humane Society. I’m hoping that opportunity comes up again! Otherwise, I got something else up my sleeve.
I was tempted to add what I’m considering a near impossible goal to this list: finding a blue velvet dress. It’s been a mission of mine for years (really). I’ve tried on my fair share, but haven’t found the one. If I do, I’ll call it a Christmas miracle and will feel amazing (even if I don’t nail all five of my standard goals).
Anyways, please share your holiday and December goals! I seriously love hear them!