I’m back with some new goals for this month (lots of holiday-related goals to come!), but first let’s see how I did in November.
Finish half my Christmas shopping.Check! I checked a few people off my list, and I feel really good to have that weight off my shoulders as I go into December.Have a cozy Black Friday in.Check? Well, I didn’t leave the house if that makes it cozy. I did spend a lot of the day deep cleaning before we put up Christmas decorations, though.Unplug a bit.Done. November 1, I said goodbye to Facebook on my phone and set up some do not disturb times. I’m not sure if it was a drastic change, but that’s OK! Experimenting with this was a good idea.(Lightly) rebrand Kaminski Handicraft.I’m going to check this one off my list. I updated the colors used in my Etsy header and that’s about all I’ve got time for at the moment. I’ll be calling in a favor from a designer friend come the new year.Make 5+ new designs for Kaminski Handicraft.Done! I haven’t really kept up with exact numbers, but I’ve made some serious progress.
5/5. November went by fast, so I’m thrilled that I kept on track with these goals! For this coming month I’ll be focusing a lot on crafting and the holidays – ’tis the season!
- Make it through my first craft fair. I’ll be at the Mini Crafty Fair Saturday, December 16 in Madison. It’s my first one ever! Let’s see if I can get enough inventory piled up, create a half decent display and not feel entirely overwhelmed!
- Make time for Christmas crafts I love. Kaminski Handicraft is closing up for the holidays about mid-month. This is to give myself a little time to relax and enjoy sillier seasonal crafts, like these plastic canvas houses.
- Get baking. I love making Christmas cookies. It’s seriously one of my greatest joys to take a day off from work and bake all day around the holidays. I might have to adjust my normal baking lineup, though, so we don’t end up eating cookies until February. That or loosen up my (almost) no cookies before Christmas policy.
- Watch 3+ Christmas movies. I just watched The Holiday for the first time last week and now I’m craving all the Christmas movies. I’ve made a short list of new-to-me flicks to check out, like Christmas in Connecticut and Home Alone (I KNOW!) and some time-tested classics like White Christmas.
- Get rid of a bag of clothes/books/miscellany every week. I’ve been trying to cut down on stuff lately just to make my home feel a little less congested and cluttered (not that it’s bad, but you know).
Got any small goals for December? I’d love to hear about them!