Thanksgiving is over, but I’m not quite finished with this series. Here are a few more thankful-fors before we roll into the Christmas season.
Day 27: Beauty

There’s a quote by William Morris I think of often (but do not always abide by): “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.”
Above is my living room on a good day. It’s full of soft blankets, a wonderfully kitsch owl lamp, my prized Green Lady print and one of our cats. While it’s not beautiful to everyone, it’s perfect for me and I’m thankful to call it home.
Day 28: Technology

Tech has allowed me to work from home for the past 18 months and I cannot tell you how grateful I am for that. Working at home has helped relieve some stress and has given me the flexibility I really needed this past year.
Day 29: Truth

When you’re going throught the shit, it’s pretty hard to be transparent about it. It’s no fun being the friend that only has bad news, that’s always in a bad way. But I am thankful to the friends and loved ones that I can be truthful to when they ask “how are things?” It lightens the load. Thank you.
Day 30: Memories

A lot of what has sustained me this year has been good memories, and I am incredibly fortunate to have so many.
Above is my mom and me in Maine two years ago. We had an absolute blast exploring Portland, Kennebunkport and later Salem, Massachusetts. I’m thankful that I got to do this trip with my mom and that we both enjoyed every second.
This is the last of this series for 2021. I hope it’s encouraged you to reflect on some joys in your life.