June was a really wonderful and really jam-packed month. We had a lot to celebrate: My mom came home after spending months in hospitals and in-patient physical therapy. My family and I spent a lot of time helping her get readjusted and while it’s been challenging at times, I couldn’t be happier. All this considered, I still managed to tackle some personal goals which is shocking and satisfying.
Celebrate our anniversary.Oh my goodness! Michael surprised me with a short getaway to the Iron Horse Hotel in Milwaukee—perfect for our iron anniversary. It was a beautiful weekend to enjoy their patio and walk around the Third Ward.Get to the farmers market.Done! I visited the Wauwatosa one a few times.- Visit the beer garden. Nope. I tried to get some coworkers together for this, but every time I planned, it rained. Another time.
- Organize a closet. Not a chance.
Have my family over.Done! It was a real treat to have my family over for Father’s Day. It was my mom’s first trip out for fun (not to go to see a doctor, physical therapist or speech therapist), and I think she really enjoyed the change of pace.
3/5. You know what, 3/5 this month wasn’t so bad. I accomplished the three goals that were most important to me. A closet cleaned three weeks ago surely would already be dirty. And the beer garden will be open through the fall. I’m OK with missing those.
As for July, I’m going to continue to take things easy. I just want to be at the ready for my family and enjoy a big event I’ve got coming up!
- Prep for my first market in 16 months. !!! It’s been more than a year since my last craft fair, and I am ready to get back at it again. Selling in person is hard work, but I much prefer it to selling on Etsy. I’m going to be at the Madison Makers Fitchburg Mini Market on July 24. This event is all new to me, but it sounds like a lot of fun!
- Use some PTO. I am a lucky person to get paid vacation. It’s been a stressful year, so it’s time I take some time off for myself (and also to prep for this fair).
- Plan a getaway. Despite it being July, summer plans are very much in the air. I’d like something on the books by the end of the month.
- Make pickles. I’ve got dill drying in the kitchen just waiting on the cucumbers in the garden to get big enough. It’s time for I Can Pickle That 2021.
- Visit the beer garden. OK, I just really want to do this.
Alright, that’s all for now!