You know the classic anxiety dreams: your teeth are falling out, you’re suddenly naked in public, you’re thrust back into high school and you can’t remember your locker combination (that last one might just be me).
But lately, I’ve been plagued by a new kind of anxiety dream. A few times a week I dream that I’m out and about with no mask.
These dreams are definitely a product of anxious times and are anxiety-inducing themselves.
The relief of waking up realizing that I’ve been safe in bed and safe while running errands is major. Because guess what: Wearing a mask is still your best defense against COVID-19.
Are they annoying? Yes. Do they fog up your glasses all the time? Yes. Do they constantly get tangled in the wash? Of course. But you still need to be wearing one.
Don’t just take my word for it. Listen to the CDC. Or the WHO. Both recommend wearing a mask when you’re out in public or in close proximity to people.
And no, you shouldn’t be out and about right now just for fun or visiting people because it’s going into month four of quarantine and holy hell are we all sick of it. Again, don’t just take my word for it, see what the CDC has to say. Cases are still going up! Stay home!
Believe me, I know after spending literal months indoors the last thing anyone wants to do is stay at home even more—especially during the nicest part of the year. Especially when vacations were planned. Especially when we miss our friends and family and restaurants and concerts and festivals and movies and all the things that bring us joy.
But we’ll be waiting a lot longer on those things if we’re not sitting tight. So stay in. Wear a mask when you have to go out. And please, please be safe.