Look at this place. It’s like a cathedral for books. Total heaven.
Because I love history, I’m going to give you a few facts about this stunning space. The Milwaukee Public Library was founded in 1878 and shortly thereafter, the foundation decided that it needed a larger and more central location in Milwaukee. After a nationwide call for design submissions, the Milwaukee-based firm Ferry & Clas were chosen to create the new library. Ferry & Clas is the firm responsible for building the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Tripoli Temple and the State Historical Society. After nearly four years of construction, the library opened its doors in 1898. If you’re like me that’s all super interesting.
Cool stuff.
What I love most about this place – outside of the obvious architectural beauty – are all the hidden gems inside. If you maze through the media section a little, you’ll find a giant room full of old records of all kinds. And if you go upstairs, there’s a rare books collection which looks incredible. Although I’ve never been inside (can you go inside?), I can tell you it’s just about the best place ever. In cases outside, librarians display some killer art and books, and if you look inside you can see the shelves and shelves of dusty tomes. Drool.
These photos show you only about .05% of how spectacular this place is, so I suggest you check it out. And if you have some nooks and crannies in the library that you love, tell me all about them.
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