Well, turns you don’t have to be rolling in it to have similar exquisite arrangements. As it so happens, all you need is a fiancé that loves tea (Michael and I have had a lot of tea parties in our day) and a few bucks.
With that one pin and our venue in mind, I headed over to my nearest Goodwill to see if they had any vintage teacups. I was of the mindset that there was no way I’d be able to find anything that fit the pre-1950s feel that I was aiming for at a Goodwill – you’d need an adorable antique store for that sort of thing. I know, I’m a Negative Nancy. But I browsed the china section and immediately found four beautiful cups and matching (or close enough) saucers all for under $5. After a few more trips I had something like 15 cups for which I paid $20. Yeah. I’m good at deals.
Well, I’ve been sitting on these cups for a while and I figured that I shouldn’t wait until the day before the wedding to try my hand at an arrangement. So I hiked over to my local grocer and picked up a bunch of ranunculus, mini hydrangeas and lemon leaves. And that’s all you need: your cups, a handful of flowers and some floral foam.
Now, I won’t give you a how-to on arranging because I’m no expert. My mom, however, is, and you can bet I’m banking on her florist skills to make these little arrangements look even better (and to maybe help me pick out some better flowers for this particular application). One pro tip I’ll leave you with: ranunculus stems are flimsy as heck. If you want to stick them into wet floral foam without them bending all over, just cut a straw the length of that stem and thread the flower through that. It will stabilize the stem and allow you to use my favorite flower of all time.
And because Michael and I are old old souls (and he’s a literature dude and I’m a writer), these babies are going to be staged on a stack of old books. Yes, I know that’s on Pinterest too, but it’s still a good idea.
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