Welcome to 2020, folks! I’m not one for New Year’s resolutions (I know I can’t keep them), so I’ll just be sticking to these small goals for the coming year. But before we get into January aspirations, let’s see how December went.
- Break out the plastic canvas. All I did was think about this craft while I was stitching up a storm this past November, but by the time December hit, I just wasn’t in the mood. I fell back in love with cross-stitch instead.
Make my chocolate babka.Done. We ate one Christmas morning and I brought the other loaf to my aunt Pat.Have a cozy, seasonal day home with Michael.Done! We decorated our trees and watched a few episodes of Nailed It: Holiday.Don a fancy Christmasy getup.YES! I got a hot pink dress and silver glitter boots from J.Crew. I felt awesome wearing this getup on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.- Make my “Spirits of Christmas” hoops. Swing and a miss two years running. I feel like I really needed an embroidery break, so I’m OK with leaving this as a WIP.
3/5. December wasn’t a five-for-five month for goals, but that’s fine by me. I spent the month doing what made me happy and satisfied. And I managed to do it all without having one of my trademark holiday meltdowns. What a win!
As for January, I’m not going to go too hard with goals. The past few months have been super busy, so a month of taking it slow and getting into normal habits is what I need.
- Hit the gym eight times. Classic New Year’s-style goal here! But going to the gym does make me feel good, and it’s the sort of thing that I can manage when my schedule is a bit more open. Kind of looking forward to this one!
- Finish a book. Last January I read something like three or four books. I’m not sure if I can top that, but I’d like to work through at least one novel this month. I am participating in the Goodreads Challenge again this year (you can follow me here).
- Get everything returned. I bought a lot of extras around the holidays—spare sizes for gifts, sale-priced linens and other odds and ends. I need to get all those things out of the house (and get those purchases off my credit card statement).
- New curtains? New bedding? This is such a small thing, but our curtains and bedding are almost the same design and it drives my eyes nuts. Swapping one out is an easy fix, right?
- Spend a day not going anywhere. Typically I squeeze a day or two like this in over the holiday break, but I didn’t make that happen this year. So this month I’m hoping to just wake up and stay in for an entire day.
These goals are a bit mellow (and boring), but I’m happy about that. A month of rest is exactly what I need.
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