Can anyone else believe August has come and gone? I definitely can’t. Let’s dive in and see how my small goals look.
- Pick up an astrology book. Nope! Maybe it was all the retrogrades that made this month difficult to get much done.
Make my up north reading list.Done! I read six books!Bring a new game up north.Well, I brought up Unstable Unicorns, but my family couldn’t get the hang of it. But I tried!Brush up on my composting knowledge.Well, we started composting! It’s not perfect, but we’re working on it!Host (or at least plan) a party.Michael and I had a long chat about this one. We decided to skip a big summer blow-out and save the party for spring since the yard still needs a bit of work and Michael’s schedule isn’t party-friendly right now. I’m disappointed in this one, but I know that it wouldn’t be a party without a proper Jart field (a highlight for a lot of our friends). So I’ll save it for spring. However, I’ve got a Tupperware party slated for later this month, so at least all my mom’s friends will see my nice perennials! For that reason, I’ll check this one off the list.
4/5. That’s not too bad. I’m disappointed that our party got the boot (after three months of being on this list!), but onto new goals and a new season. Summer has been a lot of work this year, so I’m looking forward to settling into fall and focusing on smaller projects (and just relaxing).
- Get some California-cool pieces. I’ve got a super fun business trip to California wine country coming up fast! Can I find some fall transitional pieces that don’t make me look like a Midwestern simpleton in time? Let’s see!
- Check out Cedarburg’s Wine & Harvest Fest. I love this fest. Crafts, art and wine all wrapped up in a fall day? Sign me up!
- Host my Tupperware party like a pro. I’ve got my party scheduled for this month. Time for a good deep clean. And time to try out some party-friendly apps, too! I might be taking some tips from Taste of Home for this one!
- Hit the gym six times (or more). I’ve fallen off the regular workout wagon. I chalk that up to a chaotic August. Let’s see if I can get to the gym a half dozen times (though I’d love to hit ten!).
- Finish up all my stitching to-dos. I’ve got three custom hoops to complete plus a handful of new designs to finish up. I need to clear out my stitching queue so I can get moving and grooving for my next show (more about that soon!).
Honestly, I’ve got a lot more to-dos on my mind than these five, but let’s just start with these! Here’s to a productive (and chill) fall!
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