It’s been a scary time, but since COVID vaccines started being distributed in Wisconsin early this year, I’ve started to feel more hopeful.
Early on, our friends in nursing got the shots and it was nice to think that some people we knew were protected. As eligibility requirements expanded, Michael and I jumped for joy when our parents got their first and second doses. When Michael became eligible with other educators in the state, I was absolutely thrilled. Soon, I could count almost all of our immediate family as being on their way in getting vaccinated.
Because I’m a fairly healthy 31-year-old editor working from home, I figured I’d be last in line for getting the shots. As impatient as I am, I made peace with that. What’s another few months of playing it extra safe and staying in? I’ve mastered that by now. My main concerns were seeing my parents and in-laws protected. If they were vaccinated, I was happy.
And then I got a hot tip from a coworker that there were extra doses available at a nearby vaccine clinic. I called, thinking that the odds of me snagging one of those extra shots was slim. No big deal if there were none left or there were no more appointments to be had.
But there were. And two hours later I was getting my first dose of the vaccine feeling absolute pure joy.
Walking into the building, everyone exuded happiness. Good things were happening there. Sitting with the nurse, I nearly cried tears of joy as she pricked me with the needle (it was nearly painless).
After, as I sat in the recovery area, I texted with a friend about the experience. She was coming to get hers a bit later in the day. We exchanged all-caps, !!!!-heavy messages and it felt good. It felt good to be happy and hopeful!

Walking out of the building I took my vaccine selfie with pride, complete with #igotmine sticker. As a treat to myself, I headed over to one of my favorite haunts: Don’s Diner. I grabbed a chocolate shake, cranked up some girl power tunes and headed home.
I’ve got a few more weeks until my second dose, but I already feel so much lighter. I feel hopeful, joyful and grateful.