Now, I had been keeping my eye out for new opportunities for a while, but nothing was really materializing. I wanted to stick to writing but wasn’t sure if I wanted to stick to retail. Since this was weighing on me so heavily, I shouldn’t have been surprised when I had my cards read back in New Orleans this fall that the topic of career popped up. The reader said to me, “Nope. What you have is not for you. You’d do well in the medical field.” I love to believe in this sort of thing, but I was having a hard time with that one. The medical field? I’m not a nurse. I’m pretty sure that sounds crazy boring.
Well, December rolled around and a pal of mine emailed a job posting to me. The company he worked for was hiring a copywriter. And the company? Wouldn’t you know it, they sold medial equipment.
And here I am now with a brand new job that I’m totally digging – a totally new field, cool people and all the Cherry Coke I can drink. Cheers!